Monday, October 12, 2009

Metacognition: Kite Runner Essay

Just a note: I tend to be overly verbose when I find something that fascinates me. In my haste to get my ideas out into open air, I tend to talk... and talk... but my ideas sometimes lack the clarity my mind provides, because unnecessary words clutter up my clear thinking. When put down on paper, this makes essays a chore to get through, especially when I'm passionate about what I have to say. We can summarize this by saying that I rarely get the comment "Please elaborate!" when papers are returned.

But on to my thought process during the essay. I found the evidence plan surprisingly helpful in organizing my thoughts so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. In middle school, I was generally able to construct essays without too much effort on my part, so I was concerned this would just be an unnecessary step that took up effort and wasted time. However, I found it so useful and noticed a dramatic difference in my writing quality. Once I had a clear idea of what I wanted my 'big idea' to be, it was easier to craft the paragraphs to fit that purpose rather than try to great a great essay from the beginning without knowing what I wanted at the end. In that way, I was able to 'edit' in my mind as I wrote things down, saving me time and sanity.

Writing this essay really made me appreciate the tragic and beautiful story presented in this book. When I was forced to analyze the language and subtleties Hosseini weaves into his memoir, it helped me to really understand the characters as more dynamics were introduced. Because I am fascinated by acting and writing (which are occasionally meant to go hand in hand) I have a love for the subtle layers in expressing what makes up a person. Being forced to draw my own conclusions and elaborate on them in an essay gave me a lot of ideas on how to improve my own skills. My 'real-life focus' kept me motivated and encouraged me to see the beauty in silence, in pauses, and in characters. I can honestly say this story connected with me in a way I'd love to experience again, and getting a chance to put my thoughts down clearly on paper was truly a learning experience.

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